Conference venue: Lyrik Kabinett| Amalienstrasse 83| 80799 Munich
**Change of Program: The slots of the lectures by Susanne Lüdemann and Anselm Haverkamp were exchanged.**
Thursday, 27th June
15.00–15.30 Introductory Address
15.30–17.30 Panel I Keywords of Globalization (Chair: Fabienne Imlinger)
Ivana Perica (LMU Munich). Revolution or Evolution – Revolution by Evolution: World Literature
and Global Change.
Suman Gupta (Open University). Under the Net: Policy Keywords in the Global Textual Order.
19.00 | Dinner
Friday, 28th June
10.30–12.30 Panel II Tropes ↔ Globalization (Chair: Ivana Perica)
Sebastian Schuller (LMU Munich). “Could Commodities Speak.” Tropes of Globalization and
Commodity Language.
Anselm Haverkamp (New York University/LMU Munich). Jo: Donne's America.The New World‘s
12.30–13.30 | Lunch
13.30-15.30 Panel III The Holes in the Whole (Chair: Philipp Sperner)
Kaisa Kaakinen (University of Helsinki). How Textual Gaps Travel: Weak Analogies of Relation and
Comparison in Twentieth-century Literature.
Chris Reitz (LMU Munich). “A [...] Play of Absence and Presence.” Of ()holes, Waste and the
Impossible Totality.
15.30–16.00 | Coffee Break
16.00-18.00 Panel IV (Un)Natural Tropes (Chair: Claudine Bollinger)
Oliver Völker (Goethe University Frankfurt). From a Cloud’s Point of View: Atmosphere and the
Instability of Perspective in Percy Shelley’s “The Cloud”.
Paul Gilmore (Rutgers University). The Sublime, the Problem of Representing Global Climate
Change, and Melvilles Moby Dick.
18.30-19.45 Keynote Address
Alexander Beecroft (University of South Carolina). Can the Global Speak?
Saturday, 29th June
09.30–11.30 Panel V Pars … totum (Chair: Vid Stevanovic)
Susanne Lüdemann (LMU Munich). Globalization as a Trope.
Divya Dwivedi (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi). “Local”: the Work of the Antonym.
11.30–12.00 | Coffee Break
12.00–13.00 Robert Stockhammer (LMU Munich). pars pro toto - complexio partium - pars contra totum:
Tropes and A-Tropes of Globalization in Literature.
- tropes of globalization_poster (2 MByte)